Car Finance, Buying and Lifestyle Tips

How to Calculate My Final Settlement Payment For Car Finance

Written by Amy McKechnie | 11 February, 2022

With car finance and other types of loans, the amount borrowed is paid through instalments over a certain period. But is it possible to pay the loan ahead of schedule? If you're considering paying your loan early, you will need the early settling figure. 

Read on to learn more about calculating your final settlement payment for car finance.

What is a car finance settlement figure?

A car finance settlement figure, often referred to as a "payoff amount" or "settlement quote," is the total amount of money required to fully repay the outstanding balance on a car loan or lease agreement at a specific point in time.

It includes the remaining principal amount, any accrued interest, and potentially additional fees or charges, such as early termination fees or administrative costs.

This figure is typically requested by individuals looking to pay off their car loan early, trade in their vehicle, or terminate a lease before the scheduled end date.

Understanding the settlement figure is essential for financial planning and making informed decisions regarding your car financing arrangements.

Factors Affecting Car Finance Settlement Amount

The car finance settlement amount is influenced by several key factors, including:

Principal Balance

The outstanding amount you borrowed to finance the car, which includes the original loan amount minus any payments you've made towards the principal.

Interest Accrued

The interest that has accumulated on the loan or lease agreement up to the settlement date. This can vary depending on the interest rate, loan term, and the number of payments made.

Early Termination Fees

If you're ending the finance agreement before the scheduled term, there may be penalties or fees associated with early termination. These fees can vary depending on the lender or leasing company and the terms of the contract.

Administrative Charges

Some lenders or leasing companies may charge administrative fees for processing the settlement request or other paperwork.

Unpaid Taxes and Fees

Any outstanding taxes, registration fees, or other charges related to the car may be included in the settlement figure.

Outstanding Payments

Any missed or overdue payments, including late fees, will be added to the settlement amount.

Residual Value (for Leases)

In the case of lease agreements, the residual value, which is the estimated value of the car at the end of the lease term, may affect the settlement amount.

If the car's actual value is different from the residual value, it can impact the final settlement figure.

Time Remaining on the Agreement

The number of months or years left on the loan or lease term will affect the amount of interest that has accrued and the overall settlement amount.

Paying off the agreement earlier may reduce the interest portion of the settlement.

Prepayment Penalties (for Loans)

Some auto loans may have prepayment penalties that apply if you pay off the loan early. These penalties can increase the settlement amount.

It's essential to review your loan or lease agreement and communicate with your lender or leasing company to understand how these factors specifically apply to your situation.

You may also request a current settlement quote to determine the precise amount required to settle your car finance arrangement at any given time.

How to Get Your Settlement Figure

To obtain the final settlement figure for your car finance, you may follow these steps:

Contact Your Lender

Reach out to the financial institution or leasing company with whom you have the car finance agreement.

You can typically find their contact information on your monthly statements, the agreement paperwork, or their website.

Request a Settlement Quote

Inform them that you want to obtain a settlement quote or payoff amount for your car finance. They will guide you through their specific process for obtaining this information.

Provide Necessary Information

Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your full name and contact information.
  • Your account or contract number.
  • The make, model, and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of the car you are financing.
  • The date you intend to make the settlement payment or the date you plan to terminate the agreement.

Confirm the Amount and Payment Method

Once you receive the settlement quote, carefully review it to ensure it includes all relevant costs, such as the remaining principal balance, accrued interest, fees, and any applicable penalties.

Additionally, verify the payment method and the date by which the payment should be made.

Consider Timing

Keep in mind that the settlement amount may vary depending on when you plan to make the payment. Interest accrues over time, so the amount could change if you delay the payment.

Clarify Any Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about the settlement quote, interest calculations, or any other details, don't hesitate to ask your lender or leasing company for clarification.

Make the Payment

Once you are satisfied with the settlement figure and have arranged the funds, you can proceed to make the payment by the specified deadline.

It's crucial to communicate directly with your lender or leasing company throughout this process to ensure accuracy and avoid any unexpected issues.

Keep records of all correspondence and transactions related to your car finance settlement for your records.

How to Calculate Your Car Finance Settlement

Calculating your car finance settlement figure involves determining the total amount required to pay off your car loan or lease agreement at a specific point in time.

The exact method can vary depending on your lender or leasing company, but here's a general guideline to help you understand the process:

Gather Necessary Information

  • Your current loan or lease agreement.
  • Your most recent statement or account balance.
  • The interest rate on your loan (if applicable).
  • Any terms or conditions related to early repayment or lease termination.

Calculate the Principal Balance

Determine the remaining principal balance on your loan or the "buyout amount" for your lease.

This is the amount you initially borrowed or the current market value of the vehicle, minus any payments you've made towards the principal.

Calculate Accrued Interest

If you have an interest-bearing loan, calculate the accrued interest. Multiply the principal balance by the monthly interest rate and the number of months remaining on your loan.

This will give you the amount of interest that has accrued since your last payment.

Include Any Fees or Penalties

Check your loan or lease agreement for any applicable fees or penalties for early repayment or lease termination. These may include prepayment penalties or administrative fees.

Adjust for Timing

Keep in mind that the settlement figure can change depending on when you plan to make the payment.

Interest continues to accrue until the loan is fully paid off, so if you plan to pay it off in the future, the accrued interest will increase.

Contact Your Lender

To ensure accuracy and obtain the most up-to-date information, contact your lender or leasing company and request a formal settlement quote.

They can provide you with a precise figure based on your specific situation.

Review the Settlement Quote

Carefully review the settlement quote provided by your lender or leasing company to ensure it includes all relevant costs, including the principal balance, accrued interest, fees, and any applicable penalties.

Arrange Payment

Once you have the final settlement figure, you can arrange for payment through the method specified by your lender or leasing company.

Keep in mind that the process may vary slightly depending on the terms and policies of your lender or leasing company.

It's essential to communicate with them directly to get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding your car finance settlement.

When is the right time to consider a final settlement?

Deciding when to make a final settlement for your car finance depends on your financial goals, current circumstances, and the terms of your car loan or lease agreement.

Here are some situations when it might be the right time to consider making a final settlement:

Early Loan Payoff

If you have the financial means to pay off your car loan before the scheduled end date and there are no prepayment penalties, it can be a smart move.

This can save you money on interest payments and free up your budget for other financial goals.

End of Lease

If you have a car lease, and the lease term is ending, you will need to either return the vehicle or purchase it.

In this case, making a final settlement by buying the car may make sense if you want to keep the vehicle.

Interest Savings

If you have a high-interest car loan and refinancing is not an option, paying off the loan early can save you a significant amount of money in interest charges.

Improved Financial Situation

If your financial situation has improved since you took out the car finance, and you can comfortably afford to pay off the loan or lease, doing so can reduce your monthly financial obligations.

Changing Vehicles

If you want to trade in your current vehicle for a new one, paying off the existing car finance is usually a prerequisite.

However, it's essential to consider the trade-in value of your current car and whether it covers the settlement amount.

Eliminating Debt

Paying off your car finance can be a good strategy if you want to reduce your overall debt load and improve your financial stability.

Avoiding Penalties

If your car finance agreement includes penalties for late payments, early termination, or exceeding mileage limits (for leases), settling the account can help you avoid these penalties.

Improved Credit Score

Successfully paying off a car loan can have a positive impact on your credit score, which can be beneficial for future financial endeavours.


When considering making a final settlement payment on your car finance, review the terms and conditions of your agreement, including any early repayment penalties, to assess the financial implications of making a final settlement.

Also, consider your long-term financial goals and whether paying off the car finance aligns with those goals.

If you're unsure about the timing or have questions about the settlement process, it's a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or your lender for guidance.

The great news is that with Carmoola, you can see your settlement figure in the app at any given time, so there is no need to wait for hours on the phone for a lender to get it.

Carmoola makes car finance a lot simpler. 😉