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UK Road Signs: How Many Frequently Misunderstood Signs Do You know?

There are hundreds of different road signs in the UK, but some are much more common than others.

The trouble is, if you come across a sign you’re unfamiliar with, it could land you in deep water - sometimes quite literally! 

Test your knowledge of UK road signs with this fun, quick quiz.

Below, we’ve provided images of six commonly misunderstood road signs, and your job is to see if you know what they mean... 

Each sign is accompanied by multiple-choice options, indicating its meaning. Choose the one you believe is correct and check your answers at the end. 😀



A) Warning: Area prone to floods
B) Forceful winds
C) Water crossing ahead
D) Tribute sign for Harrison Ford


No vehicles

A) No Vehicles
B) Only bicycles and pedestrians allowed
C) Unfinished sign
D) All vehicles allowed


Overhead Electric Cable

A) Caution: Lightning prone area
B) Warning: Electrified fence nearby
C) Overhead electric cables
D) Area reserved for electric cars


Vehicles will pass either side

A) Pick a lane to head to an unknown destination
B) Vehicles may pass on either side
C) Two-way traffic crosses one-way road
D) Parking available on both sides


Slippery Road

A) No Overtaking
B) Beware of Rally cars
C) Drifting Lane ahead
D) Slippery road ahead


T-junction with priority over vehicles from the right-1

A) T-Junction with priority over vehicles from the right
B) Roads form the shape of the letter T ahead
C) T-junction with priority over vehicles from the left
D) Right-hand turns only at the intersection

Correct Answers

Ready to see how well you did? Here's what you should have said:

1. C: Water Crossing Ahead 

Don’t worry, you don’t need a Ford vehicle to continue your journey and it’s not some random tribute to Harrison Ford.😅 This common sign is found on roads where there’s a water crossing ahead.

It could be a river or stream that overflows onto the road, causing a shallow build-up of water.

Most of the time these crossings are safe to drive through, but you need to be cautious if it is fast-flowing, or if there has been a period of heavy rain.🌧️

Drive slowly and get out of your vehicle to assess the crossing before driving through it.

2. A: No Vehicles

There are different variations of the No Vehicles sign, but this has to be the most confusing.

No, it isn’t a mistake that the sign is completely blank. It means no vehicles at all are allowed past that point. This includes bicycles as well as cars and motorcycles.

The only exception is you can push a bicycle along the road while walking alongside it. 🚲

3. C: Overhead Electric Cables

Don’t worry, you’re not at risk of getting struck by lightning in these zones. However, you may be at risk of getting electrocuted by overhead electric cables if your vehicle is too high.⚡

There should be a height restriction included on the sign, so you know how tall your vehicle needs to be to pass underneath safely.

4. B: Vehicles will pass on either side

This sign is quite rare so we can’t blame you if you got it wrong. While picking a lane to head to a random destination could be a fun way to explore the UK, thankfully the sign has a much simpler meaning.

Up ahead, the road is going to split into two. However, it doesn’t matter whether you’re using the right or the left lane, both will take you to the same destination.👍

5. D: Slippery Road Ahead

If you see this sign, it’s not an invitation to test out your drifting skills (but seriously, how cool would that be?). However, you may end up driving like you’re in Drift Pro Max if you don’t slow down!😱

This is a warning that there’s a slippery road up ahead you’ll need to approach with caution.

6. A: T-Junction with Priority Over Vehicles from the Right

Another rare sign that’s easy to get wrong, this one means you have priority over vehicles on the right at an upcoming T-Junction. However, just because you have the right of way, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious.

People driving on the right-hand side might be equally as confused over the sign, failing to slow down or stop for you at the junction.

How well did you do? Tell us your results in the comments, and don't forget to share this quiz with your friends and family.

Not only can you compare how well you did, but you could also save them from potentially getting on the wrong side of the law. 👍