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What to Do When Your Car Overheats?

Car overheating is often caused by hot weather! While it’s uncommon for modern vehicles to have this problem, cars can still overheat, and it's important to know what to do.

Besides hot weather, there are several factors that can contribute to this car issue. Read along to learn more about what you can do when faced with an overheating car situation.

What should I do when my car overheats?

If you're in a position to park your car, preferably in the shade, it's highly recommended to do so. Once parked in a safe area, turn off your engine and let it cool down.

But if you’re climbing a steep hill, stuck in stop-and-go traffic or currently not in a position to park your car safely, here are the steps to take: 

Turn Off the Air Conditioner

Turning off the AC will decrease the strain on the car’s engine, helping it to cool down.

Turn On the Heater

If that doesn’t work, then it’s time to turn on your heater and blower. When you do this, the heat gets transferred from the engine to the vehicle’s passenger compartment.

While this may solve the issue, it may cause discomfort to you and the others in the car. 

Shift to Park or Neutral

What if you’re stuck in traffic? Shift the car into Park or Neutral, then rev up the engine.

This allows water to pump and the fan to speed up, drawing air and liquid through the car’s radiator. The increase in circulation of liquid and air can help cool the car off. 

Open the Bonnet

In situations where you think the car’s going to boil over, move to the roadside. Pop the bonnet open and allow things to cool.

Keep in mind not to open the radiator cap just yet, or you might hurt yourself. If the engine has indeed boiled over, don't add water until the engine has cooled down. 

Check the Thermostat

What if there are no leaks in the car’s cooling system? It’s possible that the thermostat may have malfunctioned.

While you may not be able to fix the thermostat while you’re on the go, you can check if it is indeed the culprit. 

Park somewhere safe and then wait for the engine to cool. You may then remove the thermostat and link the hoses again without it.

Start the engine to see if there are issues. If no issues arise when starting and running the car, it’s most likely a thermostat malfunction.   

How to troubleshoot an overheating car?

How can you tell if your car is going to overheat? You can do this by observing the temperature gauge. See if the needle is starting to move into the “Check Engine” or red zone. 

Temperature Problem

The warning light indicating a temperature problem on your car's dashboard might also illuminate.

If you leave the situation unattended, the liquid inside the radiator will eventually reach a boiling point and cause overflow and steam will begin to emerge from the car's bonnet.

Cooling System Issues

Is your car experiencing frequent overheating or regular coolant loss? If so, it might be that the cooling system has a leak.

To temporarily address overheating, you can add liquid to the cooling system, inspect the water pump, replace or adjust the accessory belt, or change the thermostat.

It is advisable to have your car inspected by a professional to rule out any other underlying issues.

Damaged Pressure Cap

If your car consistently overheats, start by checking the pressure cap. There may be instances where the gasket on the pressure cap is already damaged, causing pressure to escape and leading to a malfunctioning cooling system.

You can have the pressure cap tested at service stations to ensure its functionality.

Why do cars overheat?

Hot weather is often the culprit, but there are other reasons why cars overheat. Here are some of the common issues faced by car owners. 

Delayed Ignition Timing

Occasionally, the ignition system may malfunction, resulting in delayed timing. This delay can lead to overheating since the spark plugs ignite the air/fuel mixture after the piston has descended.

If your vehicle experiences other issues, it's likely to overheat frequently.

Clogged Radiator

When the radiator becomes obstructed, the cooling system cannot function efficiently as it hampers the circulation of coolant.

In some cases, resolving this problem may involve steam-cleaning the radiator.

Slipping Accessory Belt

Check whether the accessory belt is frayed or loose. If it is, it is necessary to replace it.

If you are uncertain about performing this task yourself, it is advisable to seek assistance from a specialist.

Insufficient Oil Level

Insufficient oil in the engine can cause overheating because oil plays a crucial role in dissipating up to 80% of the waste heat generated.

Additionally, oil provides lubrication to the moving parts of the vehicle. We've prepared a helpful guide on when top up your car's oil. Here's how to check your car's engine oil.

Collapsed Radiator Hose

There are situations where the lower radiator hose collapses due to the vacuum created by the water pump. This hinders proper circulation and leads to overheating.


Understanding the reasons behind car overheating and how to troubleshoot the issue empowers you to take appropriate action.

Identifying the root cause allows you to implement a lasting solution. If you're not sure how to perform car repairs, take your car to a qualified auto mechanic for a thorough check. 

Taking care of your car lets you enjoy your drives, whether within the city or across the country for exciting road trips!