Car Finance, Buying and Lifestyle Tips

Will Having Car Finance Stop Me Getting A Mortgage?

Written by Amelie Pollak | 11 February, 2022

When you're thinking about getting a mortgage, it's natural to wonder how existing financial commitments, like car finance, might impact your chances 🤔

In this blog, we’ll explore the relationship between car finance and mortgages.

We'll look at the factors that lenders consider, and how you can prepare for the mortgage application process 👍

Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to move up the property ladder, read on to discover how car loans can affect a mortgage 👇

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Will having car finance affect my mortgage application?

Having car finance can impact your ability to get a mortgage in the UK, but it's not a straightforward yes or no situation.

When you apply for a mortgage, lenders look at your debt-to-income ratio, which includes any pre-existing loan payments. These payments are considered when assessing your affordability for a mortgage. If your car finance takes up a significant portion of your income, it could reduce how much you can borrow for a mortgage.

Another thing to consider is the timing of your different credit applications. For example, if you're planning to get car finance right before a mortgage, it may affect your application. Lenders prioritise borrowers who have stable finances, so taking on a large car loan right before applying for a mortgage isn’t the best timing. It’s best to consider what you need first, a new car or a new home. Wait at least six months to a year before taking on another large loan.

Applying for car finance and a mortgage

If you are worried your car finance may impact your mortgage application, there are things you can do.

Here’s some tips that can increase your chances when applying for both car finance and a mortgage:

Manage your debt-to-income ratio

Try to keep your overall debt low in relation to your income. Lenders always look at your debt-to-income ratio before deciding whether to give you credit.

wIf you are utilising a lot of your available credit, aim to get it down before applying for either car finance or a mortgage.

Build a strong credit score

A good credit score can improve your chances of being approved for both car finance and a mortgage.

It shows lenders that you're a responsible borrower and can be trusted.

A good credit score will open doors to you to lower interest rates, which means affordable monthly repayments.

Be realistic about what you can afford

Choose a car finance deal that is within your budget. Overextending yourself can make mortgage lenders hesitant to loan you the money.

You can use online tools to help you work out your budget before taking on car finance to ensure it’s affordable.

Time it right

If possible, avoid taking on new debt just before applying for a mortgage. Lenders look for financial stability.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting accepted for both car finance and a mortgage application.

More credit guides

Why might a mortgage application be declined?

There are a lot of reasons a mortgage application may be declined. Here’s some of the most common reasons:

  • High debt-to-income ratio
  • Poor credit history
  • Unstable employment history
  • Insufficient deposit
  • Property issues

Lenders need to be confident in your ability to repay a mortgage. A high debt-to-income ratio can be a red flag, signalling that you may struggle with additional payments.

A poor credit history suggests past difficulties in managing debt, while an inconsistent employment history shows you may not have a stable income.

Finally, if there are issues with the property itself, like a low valuation or structural problems, lenders will be reluctant to approve the mortgage.

Get affordable car finance with Carmoola

At Carmoola, we understand the importance of affordable car finance, especially when you’re balancing other financial commitments like a mortgage. That's why we offer competitive rates and flexible terms to fit your budget.

The way we work is simple and transparent, ensuring you know exactly what you’re signing up for. With us, you can find the right car finance deal that fits comfortably into your budget 👍😍