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The Carmoola Blog

Welcome to The Carmoola Blog, your friendly destination covering everything from car finance and gadgets to automotive news and car maintenance. We believe that car finance should be a tool that helps you achieve your dreams, whether it's that sleek Mini Cooper or a stylish BMW One Series. We understand the emotional aspect of buying a car, and our five-star car finance team prioritises customer service from the moment you reach out to them. It's not just about reaching your destination; it's about embracing the exciting journey ahead. We're here to empower you, ensuring you feel confident and well-informed as you embark on your next vehicle adventure. Let's make your car-buying dreams a reality together.

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In Conversation With... Matthew Dicks

Every week, we have a company-wide call to celebrate our values. And, every so often, we invite a special guest to share their insights and career...

Carmoola’s going to Kazakhstan 🚗 🌍

Well, sort of. 

We're all about embracing adventure, taking on challenges, and pushing boundaries. Oh, and used cars, of course!

That's why we're...

Capital markets at Carmoola - Who, what, and why?

In May we welcomed a fresh face to the Carmoola team. Frédéric de Benoist - aka Fred to you and me - joined us as our new (and first) director of...

The Cost of Driving Crisis: Expenses Affecting UK Drivers in 2024

Whether you’ve just passed your test or you’re a seasoned driver, there’s no denying that running a car can be expensive. When you add up car...